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Junior National Champion Titles
Junior Best Of Breed
4x-Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat
2x- Certificats d'Aptitude au Chmpionnat
International de Beaute'
Best Of Breed
Best Of Sex
Hip Clearance A Grade
Currently, we do not have any puppies available. To be notified about our June puppies, please sign up for our list. If you’re interested in adding a puppy to your family sooner, feel free to reach out to Diana Conard at 1-913-226-7060. Thank you, Risa's Goldens.

Meet Charlie, the adorable star of Waldo and Lola! This little guy has completely stolen our hearts! If you're on the hunt for a sweet companion to join your family, you won't want to miss our upcoming litter. Reach out to us today to secure your spot on our June list!

Meet our adorable 7-month-old male! He's an absolute sweetheart who adores children and has a playful spirit that loves to run and have fun. With a little training, he'll be the perfect companion

For inquiries regarding available and upcoming English Cream puppies, please reach out to us. Kindly provide your name, email, or phone number, as well as your preference for a male or female puppy, and we will get to you promptly.

Willow & Finn's 2018 litter

Settlers Trail Lucy

wanna know a secret?

Baby Lucy

Lucy trying to be scary

Basic training Lucy
sit stay Lucy
Charm's Lewie of Settlers Trail

Settlers Tril Libby

Bodebs (Settlers Trail) Lacy & Willow

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